
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Last week, I attended and participated in a Marine Coastal Naturalist program.  Most of our instructors were pretty amazing and the NOAA fisheries in Panama City Beach is also amazing (awesome staff).  I learned quite a bit and have a much deeper appreciation for our environment.

I was going to clean house and do all that happy good stuff, but decided why bother.  No one was helping me.  So I am developing a tolerance for lack of organization, secretly "No, I am not.  I am hiding it rather well!"  Mind  you, my house is not a pig sty, it's just not organized like I like it.  Make sense?

So, this leads me to the next part of this post.  I decided to give CS5 a road test or should I say a scrapbook test?  Yeah, scrapbook test is appropriate.  My dear friend, Yolanda, sent me some links.  God must've whispered in her, "Send this to Laura like right now!"   I downloaded some free stuff from Jessica Sprague's Blog Hop and then ventured over to the Shabby Princess, she always has great stuff.  Picked up some free downloads and I began turning too.  Turn too, commence scrapbook work!  Aye Aye Captain! :D

So here are a few of the pages that I created, the kids were mainly from Shabby (free):

Ian gives his new bike a spin around the neighborhood

Forever Friends!  Yolanda, Norma, Debbie, and Laura (me)

Montana and her friends, Maya and Marleigh

Montana learns to ride her new bike (2 wheeler baby)

My Girl!

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